Picklenash Junior School

Picklenash Junior School

GPP Federation

School Policies

School policies cover every aspect of school life!  Below are some of our most important policies for your information.

All information on this website is available, free of charge to parents, as hard copies on request.


Glebe Infants Admissions Policies 2023 - 2026

Glebe Infant School Admissions Policy 2023-24

Glebe Infant School Admissions Policy 2024-25

Glebe Infant School Admissions Policy 2025-26

Picklenash Junior Admissions Policies 2023 - 2026

Picklenash Junior School Admissions Policy 2023-24

Picklenash Junior School Admissions Policy 2024-25

Picklenash Junior School Admissions Policy 2025-26

School Policies

Safeguarding Policy 2023

Medicines Policy N.Fed 2022

Debt Policy N.Fed 2022

Confidentiality Policy 2022 - 2024

EYFS Policy 2022

Accessibility Plan appendix table

Charging & Remissions Policy N.Fed FGB 2022

Attendance Policy 2022-2024

GPP Federation Anti Bullying Hate Crime Policy 2022-2024

Acceptable Use Policy Sep 2022

Accessibility Plan 2023

Special Educational Needs Policy 2023

Whistleblowing Policy 2022 - 2024

Health and Safety Policy N.Fed FGB 2023

Freedom of Information Policy 2022 - 2024

Drug Education & Management Policy 2022

General Data Protection Regulation Policy 2022 - 2024

Complaints Policy 2022 - 2024

Pupil Premium Policy 2023

Intimate Care Policy 2022

Online Safety Policy 2022 - 2024

GPP Federation Rationale Behaviour Principles November 2022

Glebe and Picklenash Relationship Sex Education Policy 2022 - 2024

GPP Federation Missing Child Policy November 2022 - 2024

GPP Federation Equality Policy December 2022

Glebe and Picklenash SEMH Behaviour Policy 2023- 2024

School Uniform Policy 2022 - 2024


Gloucestershire County Council Admissions Arrangements