School Day Information
Our school day runs from 8.40am-3.10pm (6.5 hours inclusive). In line with DFE guidance this equates to 32.5 hours per week.
8.40am - 12.00 noon
12.00pm -1.00pm
1.00pm - 3.10pm
Children come into school at 8.40am when teachers’ responsibility begins. The school cannot be responsible for the safety of children who arrive before these times.
Children must be in school by the times shown above for registration. The school gates at both schools are locked at 8.50am, so after this time please use the main doors. An adult will then sign in the child in and you must give the reason for why they are late. The same applies if you need to take your child out during the school day for medical reasons.
The school day for both schools ends at 3.10pm where the children leave through their classroom doors.
Absence From School
If your child is absent from school, YOU MUST telephone the school office 01531 820700 or 01531 820589 that morning before 9.30 am, giving the exact reason why they are unable to attend, otherwise it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to authorise term time holiday. In unavoidable circumstances requests for term time holiday must be made via a holiday request form which can be obtained from the school office. The Head Teacher will then use his discretion to adjudge whether to record the holiday as unauthorised. Parents are reminded that it is their legal responsibility to ensure that their children attend school regularly and, as such, unauthorised absence could result in a fine from the local authority.
Getting to School
A School bus runs from the villages around Newent and applications for passes should be made to the Local Authority.
If you bring your child to school by car please do not drop off or pick up children in the school car park. Serious accidents may occur if cars are moving freely in this area at the beginning and end of the day. The school gates are closed for safety reasons in the morning and at the end of the day. In order that we may keep on good terms with our neighbours, please do not park in Glebe Way (it is very narrow and you may be restricting access for the residents) or block the driveways of residents on Ross Road.
Emergency Closure Procedures
On rare occasions the school may have to be closed on very short notice eg. flooding, snow, significant health & safety issue.
On these occasions, when possible, a decision to close will be made by 7:30am and a message will be publicised on the Gloucestershire School Closures website:
The closure will be publicised on local radio and a text message will be sent to all parents.
Assemblies and Religious Education
The school has no affiliation with any particular religious denomination. The teaching of Religious Education is based largely on the beliefs and history of Christianity, but we do not seek to promote any particular form of religious belief. The Religious Education is provided in the school follows the guidelines laid down in the Gloucestershire County Council Agreed Syllabus.
All children take part in assemblies and religious education lessons unless you request otherwise. Please send in a note if you wish your child to be excused from these activities.
At our assemblies we celebrate the successes of our children whether it be academic, sport, music, behaviour etc. We reward children in Glebe with an acorn and in Picklenash with a leaf at a joint Celebration Assembly every Monday.