Picklenash Junior School

Picklenash Junior School

GPP Federation

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

If you have any questions or concerns regarding SEND please contact our SENCO, Gaea Hill on 01531 820589.

Our SEND Governor is Susanne Jeffries. 

In our schools, all children access all learning and all have the same engaging opportunities.  All learners are expected to engage with other people at their level, making deliberate developments in their language, their social skills and their emotional literacy,  as well as formal academic progress.  Our staff view each child as an individual learner and learn about them so they can provide the best possible learning experiences.  Lessons are personalised according to the learner through scaffolding and high expectations of outcomes so that children can keep up and there is limited need for catch up. Where necessary, children are taught in smaller groups or individually so that they can access main lessons.  SEN needs are seen as a whole school responsibility where all members of staff need to understand needs and make sure the school is inclusive.

A staff member said, ‘Each class is a team of children and staff backed by other staff members of the school community.’

Parents/carers are engaged at every level of consultation, with regular reviews placed throughout the year (at least three times a year, but often six times a year) so that problem solving is solution focussed and everyone is engaged in the decision-making – staff, children and the adult at home.  When needs are considered high, there are flexible ways that there is daily communication between home and school.  Where necessary, external agencies are involved in the process, invited to reviews or consultations sought separately so that the child’s needs are at the fore front of decision-making.

Each class teacher tracks the learning needs of each child through the school’s tracking systems and through individual plans and reviews.  Every small step of progress is tracked, ‘ensuring that every child succeeds, flourishes and feels valued.’


A full description of how children with SEND are supported within our schools can be downloaded here:


SEN Information Report

SEN Information Report 2024

Accessibility Plan Appendix Table 2024